Sep 1, 2020Liked by mollyhall

molly, you are seriously the voice of our generation. this was 1000% worth the wait. this series will always be worth the wait. if it had been around when I was in school taking a course on ancient greece and rome I would've convinced my professor to let me write a comparative essay and told everyone in the class about it. heck I still tell everyone about it regardless. I hope you professionally publish this saga one day and it receives the recongnition it deserves. Thank you for being such a bright spot in these dark times. ♡

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Sep 3, 2020Liked by mollyhall

This is INSANE. Like, don't apologize for it being slightly late- I forgot I had subscribed for updates to this thing and as soon as I saw it in my inbox I dropped what I was doing to read it. Your writing is INCREDIBLE and you are doing such a cool job taking an old story and writing it in a new way. I am so impressed and can't wait to see what happens next. Thank you for sharing your brilliant ideas with us!

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Sep 2, 2020Liked by mollyhall

wowowow this is so good?? i honestly can't believe how many subtle little things from the iliad you worked into this, it's incredible. and your voice is so strong and so unique and so entertaining and so fun to read. and you made me care?? about FRAT BOYS?? unbelievable. im mad, honestly.

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i enjoy every chapter, but i do admittedly also sit with my chin in my hands wondering Where Is My Mans, My Terrible Mans, Odysseus, and behold! he showed up! and i just think, it's very good when one half of odysseus' characterization is "the only adult in the room, KIND OF?" and the other half is "penelope's fool" so thank you for the good good laughs

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Okay seeing this email was the best part of my day even though it then took me ten days to finish reading it but also. is it bad that I'm now seriously considering making a flowery cross stitch that says SHOOT EM IN THE DIIIICK even though probably no-one who sees it will get it but me

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Thank you for keeping at this, you've easily made my week. Gonna reread this after chemo tomorrow to perk myself back up. Off to go let folks who might not be subscribed know you updated <3

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im so heeeere for this!! i love the whole heff, dité, and ares relationship. it’s great! and i love achilles and patroclus boycotting because of briseis. honestly i’m about to reread the whole thing because it’s been a while.

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